O'Donnell Olio

olio \ˈō-lē-ˌō\
  1. Olla Podrida
  2. a miscellaneous mixture : hodgepodge
  3. a miscellaneous collection (as of literary or musical selections)

Friday, July 14, 2006


One thing I really like about this town we live in is that it can afford to have an ice cream truck that is actually in tune. Listening to Pop Goes the Weasel all day is bad, but listening to Pop Goes the Weasel 20 cents flat, like in our old neighborhood, is akin to torture.

Not only that, but the Brookline ice cream truck splurged and went ahead and bought the extra octave for its organ. So now, when it plays Turkey in the Straw, when it gets to the "on down the road" part, it plays the low notes instead of faking it with the same notes an octave up.

When you're working at home with the windows down all day, this can make a real difference in your quality of life.

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