O'Donnell Olio

olio \ˈō-lē-ˌō\
  1. Olla Podrida
  2. a miscellaneous mixture : hodgepodge
  3. a miscellaneous collection (as of literary or musical selections)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Weekend Update

This week's appointments were International Adoption Specialist and Audiology. The IA doctor thinks Jed is doing fantastic (as do we). We have a follow-up in 6 months, got a bunch of extra blood (poor pumpkin), and then booked the audiologist (b/c if you wait to test the hearing b/c the language is affected, then the language will be even more affected). Audiologist appointment today and he was brilliant, super-mellow and "a pleasure" to work with. The doctor had worked in China and said that his doctors must have been good, b/c they avoided the super-high doses of antibiotics during surgery/recovery that can damage the upper registers of hearing (I did not know that). He has perfect hearing and beautiful eardrums.

After the IA appointment we stopped by the lab to say hello and introduce Jed to the crew at work. We walked into a party! I should have known. Thanks, everyone! He loves the airplane and is working hard to destroy the balloon.

Requisite cute story: last night Jed came into our bedroom. This happens about every night between 1 and 4 a.m., both kids wake up and come into our bed, b/c it's easier for me to open the door and holler "come in" than to actually get up and go soothe them. I've slept much better since Gus has learned to snuggle in without even waking me up, but Jed can't climb that well yet. Gus has also learned that while mommy is happy to share her space, she is not happy to share her pillow, so he brings his pillow in with him. Last night Jed brought in his pillow, held out in front of him like a present for me. The kid doesn't use the pillow. He doesn't even use the covers. Usually I wake up to find him curled up on top of the covers in the general vicinity of my feet (he's a wiggler). But apparently bringing in pillows is how we do it around here, so Jed brought in his pillow.

He is really sweet. One thing his nanny must have taught him is to grab both sides of my face while I'm holding him and line me up for a smooch. Hilarious. And his mischievous side is starting to come out. He likes to let you strip him naked at bedtime and then race out the door, stopping to make sure you can see him grinning above his little bum. I'm hoping this will be less fun since he's been running around naked for the past couple of days anyhow (potty training; he's starting to get it).

Now that we've had the blood drawn, next week's appointments consist of two shots. Booooooring. But if he's got the potty mostly figured out by the end of next week, I will not complain about boredom.

We've been home for almost three weeks! It's not the new normal yet, but I think I can see it from here if I squint.

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